I’ve never heard a student say “I have too much time to practice,” so let me suggest some practice concepts that are time effective.
In college I participated in a master class with the great Cuban guitarist Manuel Barrueco (www.barrueco.com) and he said you should “always have a goal to achieve when you go into the practice room.” To reach my goals I try to cover these 4 basic areas: Warm up/Technique practice, Repertoire, Study, and Fun time. Ideally all of these areas overlap. To consolidate your practice time use the piece you are learning as the focus for technique practice, and your study of melody, harmony, and rhythm. As you learn new music find what challenges you, isolate these areas and make technical exercises out of them. Know what key the piece is in. Practice those major/minor scales and the 7 diatonic triads in the key. Dissect rhythmic challenges by “counting and clapping” and then play this on the guitar, counting aloud with a metronome. Keep a practice journal. Topics for practice are never ending!
For the example below I created a 60 minute session for an Intermediate player learning Fernando Sor’s Estudio #1.
Whatever you don’t complete in one session cycle into the next ie. Slurs, scale/chord study, emphasis on a phrase. This “cycling” concept is also useful to manage larger amounts of repertoire.
Now go have fun and achieve some guitar goals!